Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Crazy for Carousels

We occasionally make our way to Colorado Mills Mall.  Mommy gets some shopping done and Hank climbs aboard the carousel.  A win-win situation for everyone!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Little Gymnast

 Hank has been enjoying open play time at a local gymnastics gym.  
Now that he can jump on his own, the trampoline is one of his favorite activities.
 Hank even agreed to swing on the rings for the first time ever.  He was so proud!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Almost a Year Later . . .

Hank and Jennie in June 2011 ...
 Hank and Jennie now . . . wow, these kids grow up fast!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patty's Day Parade

This morning we headed to Denver with our friends and neighbors, the Totins, for a St. Patrick's Day Parade.  It was super crowded, but that didn't slow the kids down on bit!
 There were bagpipes, leprechauns, 
  and even fire trucks!
The best part of all . . .  the kids got front row seats. 
 Nothing better than that when you're a little guy!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Hiking the Coal Creek/Rock Creek Trail with Rose

Wahoo!  It's another hike!  
This time, Hank's friend, Rose, and her mommy, joined us for the fun.
After their sprint down the trail, the kids took some time to admire the water flowing in the creek.  
 Then they had to check out the mile marker.  
After a mid morning snack, we turned around and headed home.
It's so good to be a hiking boy!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

First Spring Hike

Today marks Hank's first official Spring 2012 hike.  
We went to the Dry Creek Trail Head in East Boulder.  
Hank was proud to be "walking, walking, walking." 
Hank ventured to the bottom of the creek bed to check out all the "cool rocks." 
And even though he's not pictured here, Radar loved roaming off leash . . . 
hiking in Boulder this Spring/Summer is going to ROCK (no pun intended)!!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Hank is really starting to feel the beat and Mommy is learning how to make movies!  :)

Hank Gets His Groove On

Hank really likes to dance.  This is one of his classics.

Waneka Lake "Beach"

This time of year, the community lake behind our house has a terrific "beach" area, full of rocks which Hank loves to throw in the water.  Ah, springtime at the lake!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Firetruck Birthday Fun

Hank's friend, Maxwell, had a Three Alarm Fire Party for his 3rd birthday.
Maxwell even had a fire engine and ambulance from the city surprise us all with a visit. 
 A fireman opened a fire hydrant and Hank loved splashing and chasing the water down the street!
What a great party! Thanks for inviting us, Maxwell!