Monday, October 31, 2011

Hank's Second Halloween

Who says there aren't alligators in Colorado?
 Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Annual Greenberg/Matz Pumpkin Carving!

It's Pumpkin Time!  
Check out the kids' creations . . . 
(from left to right: Sierra, Hank, Ryder)

This was Hank's first time participating in the Halloween festivities and you can tell that he definitely had fun! 
After the cousins finished their pumpkin creations, it was time for lunch and dessert.  
Ryder and Sierra helped prepare the cookies.  YUM!
During nap time, the adults got busy carving. 
 Here are the final results (left to right: Amanda, Rachel, Ari)
 Ah, Halloween Happiness!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Pumpkin Patch - Take Two

With so many pumpkin patch farms near us  and such perfect Fall weather, we just had to go to another farm.
This time Hank was interested in the pumpkins, especially sitting on them.
After the pumpkin patch, Hank had his first jumpy castle experience.
Yep - he loved it!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Time

Hank explored everything at the pumpkin patch, except for the pumpkins!  
Here he is making the sign for horse.  It was cool for him to see a horse his size.
 Then it was off to see the chickens.  Hank kept saying "Bock, bock, bock, bock, bock."
 Hank ran around the hay bale maze. . . .
 and he stopped to admire the tractor.
 Finally, Hank was ready to sit in the wagon and go for a ride.
So much for the pumpkins!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Final Cousins' Play Date in Nederland!

Cousins Sierra and Ryder will soon live close by, but in the meantime, we made one last trip to the mountains to play, play, play!  Even the car ride to the park was a blast . . . 

After the park, it was lunch, nap and more play.
We look forward to these kiddos continuing to build a lifetime of fun memories together.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hank at 20 Months

At 20 months old, here's what's new with Hank . . . 

  • He has a sign language vocabulary of over 40 signs.  Hank wants to know the sign for everything!
  • He loves toys that he can push like strollers and carts.
  • He's always on the lookout for planes, especially since he sees and hears at least 4-5 fly over our house each day.
  • Hank is beginning to color.
  • Hank can now open and close doors with levers - oh, boy!
  • He can walk down a step without help (we still hold hands for multiple steps).

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Days of Outdoor Fun

The last few days have been so beautiful that we've spent every day outside and taking in the Fall weather.  Now that Hank is getting sturdy on his feet, he's all about hiking!
On one hike near home, we were lucky to find some gorgeous trees going through their yearly color change.
 Then, the next day, we went to the Flat Irons in Boulder and found some more colorful trees.
 Last, but not least, someone else has been living it up on all these excursions . . . our first baby, Radar!!