Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lafayette Rec Center Water Slide

Hank is such a big boy. Look at his most recent accomplishment. Click here for Video

Saturday, July 30, 2011

WOW Children's Museum

We are lucky to live just minutes away from the World of Wonders Children's Museum. There was so much to explore, but here are some highlights of Hank's first visit, starting with the trains!
Hank liked helping Daddy build a Lego house.
Then it was off to compose some music on the piano.
Looks like we'll be coming back again and again . . .
Wahoo! Nothing like discovering new kid friendly activities in our neighborhood.

The Winakers Come to Colorado

Guess who came to visit all the way from Delaware? Yep, it's Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Ali and Cousins Sophie and Max!
On the first day of visiting, we all went to the WOW Children's Museum right here in Lafayette. Hank snuggled with his Uncle Jeremy.
Hank got a case of the giggles in his Aunt Ali's arms, too.
Can't forget to play "airplane!"
That night, we all went out to dinner to help Max celebrate his 4th Birthday. Happy Birthday, Max!!
It was a great evening out altogether.
The next day we finished our visit with a day on Pearl Street in Boulder.
Thanks for such a special couple of days. We love you!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Visits From Grandpa Eli

Each week, Grandpa Eli comes over for some family fun.
We've all grown to love Thursday afternoons!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sierra's Birthday

Today Hank got to help his Cousin Sierra celebrate her sixth birthday at The Little Gym.
He loved all the activities, starting with the balance beam.
Then the girls crawled after Hank all over the mats.
After a quick photo break with Grandpa Eli and Daddy, Hank was ready for more action.
Nothing like getting on the jumping mat with the big kids!
Happy Birthday, Sierra!
Hank had a blast!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Tumble Room

Now that Hank is down to one nap, he's had time to discover the Tumble Room at the Boulder JCC.
It's a great place to burn off extra energy when it's really hot outside.
Next week Hank starts music class at the JCC - wow . . . what a busy, fun summer!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Safety First

Hank got his bike helmet today.
After some initial hesitation about wearing a helmet, he was all smiles.
Our speed racer is ready to go!

Three Generations of Greenbergs . . .

When Granpda Eli was a year and a half old . . .

When Ari was a baby boy . . .
When Hank turned 17 months . . .
It's good to be a Greenberg!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hank's Haircut at Lollilocks

Okay - so Hank wasn't thrilled about getting his haircut, but after 7 months, he was long overdue.
In the end, Hank did fairly well, although he never did officially manage to smile.
At least he got to enjoy a special lunch out to celebrate being so brave!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday with Sierra

Hank got to spend this morning with his cousin Sierra!
They explored the sand/water table together and then it was off to the playground.
Happy, happy kids!

Cousins Brad and Carly Come to Evergreen

Cousins Brad and Carly, who live in NYC, happened to be vacationing in Evergreen this weekend.
We drove up to meet them for breakfast and fun at the local park which we used to frequent when we lived there. Brad and Carly had not seen Hank for almost a full year, so there was a lot to catch up on. We look forward to meeting up again, wherever and whenever that may be!