Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stand Up!

Look - no hands!! Hank stood five times on his own at his play date today and he was SOOOO proud!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Family Passover Sedar 2011

Another Passover family celebration at our home . . . This year we had Grandma Marcy, Aunt Rachel, and Cousins Sierra and Ryder over to celebrate.
We had some surprise guests, too. The local deer decided to join us just before the snow came (yes, it snows here in April).

We all ate up a storm.

Then our very helpful dishwashers got to work!

After the work was done, it was time for more fun. Sierra found the afikomen.

In exchange for the afikomen, she got the traditional Greenberg prize - a Sacagawea golden dollar.

Happy Passover!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lazy Sunday Play

Today we hung out, impromptu style, with Sara, John and JJ.

Everyone was chillin' out. Hank loved being outside in the sun.
He even enjoyed kisses from Tiki.
What a great way to spend a Sunday!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fourteen Months

Here's the scoop on Hank!

Hank acquired 3 more molars over the last month for a total of 12 teeth. He also spends most of his days pulling up on everything. Now that Hank's no longer nursing, he is eating up a storm, but he still doesn't seem to care much for meat or milk (although he devours cheese and yogurt). We guess he's just a self-proclaimed vegetarian!

Although the little guy still takes 2 naps a day (approximately 1.5-2 hours each), he now stays up for an extra hour at night - till 7PM and sleeps till 6AM.

We're ready for whatever changes this next month brings!