Friday, February 25, 2011


Who do you call a great neighbor, friend, walking partner and honorary mom/grandmother?

Every afternoon for the past 6 months, Hank has taken an hour long walk with Mommy, Suzanne, Radar and Brody (Suzanne's dog). Today, we got together for lunch and had a blast.
Thank you, Suzanne, for being part of our daily life!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Out and About with Grandma Marcy

Today Hank got to spend another day with Grandma Marcy.
Daddy gave Hank a big kiss before leaving to go pick up Grandma.
Once Grandma Marcy arrived, we were off to shop and have lunch as a family.
It was Hank's first time dining out with Grandma.
We have a hunch Hank had a good time!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Indoor Digging

When it's winter, you get creative and today, Hank got to play "in the dirt" with his big buddy, Luke, who is 3 1/2 yrs old.
Hank was much more into playing with the scoops and trucks, but it's his first time getting dirty, so we're sure he'll get more and more interested as time goes on.
Thanks, Becki, Luke and baby Maria for another great playdate!

All Trimmed Up

Yesterday, Hank got his second haircut. It had been two months since those first thick, wavy locks had been snipped. During his haircut, Hank was very upset, but this morning, he is much happier and ready to show off his big boy haircut!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Hank's Twelve Month Checkup

Hank is growing like a champ!
He weighs 20 lb. 7.5 oz. (20th%).
He is 29.5 inches long (40th%).
His head circumference is 18.5 inches (70th%).
At this point, we guess all the food he eats is going to his brain!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hank's First Birthday!

Did you hear the news?!

Today is Hank's 1st Birthday!

Cindy made sure that Hank's birthday was one to remember, filled with cake, balloons and cheer! Hank chose to eat his cupcake with a spoon - hey, it's yummy anyway you eat it.

Grandpa got into the festivities, too.

So today we officially say goodbye to our baby and hello to our toddler!!

Happy Birthday, Hank!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Visit with Michelle

Today we drove to Sarasota to meet up with Mommy's dear friend, Michelle. Last time we saw Michelle, she was a brand new mommy. That was over two years ago.

Amazing how our lives and families have grown and changed so much since then!
Thanks for a great afternoon, Michelle - we love you!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Beach Baby

Hank loved the sand, the water, the shells, the sounds, and of course, the sun! And yes, we're going back to do it all over again!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hank's First Days in Florida

Hello Grandpa and Cindy!
It was -14 degrees when we left CO, but now we're in Florida for a week of sun and fun!
Hank's been enjoying the change, especially cruising on the sidewalk and checking out the scenery. Hank even got in a pool for the very first time. He was scared at first, but it was eventually all good in Daddy's arms.

It's been a great start to our vacation. Next up - the beach!