Sunday, January 30, 2011

Early 1st Birthday with Grandma

Since Hank will be in Florida on his birthday, Daddy brought Grandma Marcy over early to help us celebrate Hank's first birthday. Hank had presents wating for him from Grandma, Aunt Rachel and his cousins Sierra and Ryder.
Hank loved his gifts.

He especially enjoyed getting a lot of love from Grandma.
After lunch and some play time with his new toys, it was time to eat the cake (well, cupcake).

Hank was a bit unhappy in his highchair, so he tried his cupcake while sitting in Mommy's lap.

Needless to say, Hank literally devoured his cupcake. Now that's the way to party!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Daddy's Chair

You know you're someone special when you get to sit in Daddy's chair.
Hank even got to hold the remote control - wow!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Busy in the Kitchen Cabinets

Each night Hank likes to play in the cabinets while we clean up from dinner.
Besides typical play, tonight Hank started to use the cabinets to try and stand.
You'll get there soon enough, Hank!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Hank's First Shabbat

Tonight we lit candles, drank wine (well, grape juice) and ate challah.
Hank wanted to touch the candles and stick his fingers in the wine glass, but he stayed safe in Mommy's arms. It was really special to be able to use the challah plate, challah cover and wine cup that Mommy had growing up. We hope to continue the tradition.
Shabbat Shalom!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Visit from Brian Zatzkin

Mommy and Daddy's friend from Houston stopped in for the weekend. Hank loved meeting a new friend. He got lots of play time.
Thanks for visiting, Brian. Next time we hope Erica can come, too!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

11 months and counting

Hank is 11 months old today.

Here's what Hank's up to these days . . .

not only is Hank into crawling, but he loves to clap, too. He also just signed "milk" (nursing) for the very first time this morning.

Besides those milestones, he loves playing with the dog.
Thanks for being such a great sport, Radar!

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year's Play Date in Nederland, CO

Hank welcomed the new year with a busy play date in Nederland with his cousins.
First, Hank joined Ryder at a local music class.
Hank was quite a bit younger than the other babies, but Ryder checked in on him.
Then Ryder showed Hank how to crawl through a tunnel.

At the end of class, Hank got a butterfly stamp on his arm.

Ryder wanted his stamp on his tummy.

Once we got back to Aunt Rachel's house, Sierra dressed up Radar, as usual. He's such a great sport!

Ryder and Hank played cars on the ramp.

Hank watched Sierra draw.

And Hank even enjoyed a wagon ride around the house.
Gotta love play dates with the cousins!!