Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

What Hank really meant to say is MOOOOOO!
Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cousin Judy's in the house!

So what do you call a second cousin once removed? Family!
Thanks for stopping by on your way to the ski slopes - any member of the Klavins clan is welcome in our home anytime!

4th Annual Family Pumpkin Carving Extravaganza

That's right - it's time to party Halloween style!
And even when Hank thought the party was starting to sour . . .
his cousins came to the rescue with attention and kisses.
Once the boys were napping, the rest of us carved up a storm.
See ya next year!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hello Grandpa Ken and Nanna Nanci!

Grandpa Ken and Nanna Nanci came all the way from Texas for a special first visit with Hank.
Hank got showered with lots and lots of LOVE!
Thank you, Grandpa and Nanna, thank you!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just Like Daddy

Storytime at the Library

We just started attending a weekly storytime at the library. Hank gets to sing, dance, and oh yeah, listen to stories!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Touchy, Feely at the Troccoli's

Today, Brian provided Hank with his first opportunity to touch a full beard - scratch, scratch! And Jess helped Hank pet Jack's soft fur with a gentle touch, of course.
Last, but not least, this post is in memory of Daisy . . . when Hank was just a few weeks old, you gave him one of his very first doggie kisses - thanks for having touched our lives.

Our First Playdate with Gina and Ellie

Mommy and her friend, Gina, have been trying to get the babies together for a playdate ever since Hank's been born. It finally happened and wow, Hank really enjoyed himself!Ellie, who is a year older than Hank, thought having a new friend over was pretty exiciting, too. Nothing like a lunch date, huh?
After lunch, Hank and Mommy checked out the backyard.
Hank found grass to be very intriguing (something we don't have much of in the mountains).
Before we left for the day, Gina and Hank got to play a bit.
Wow - can we do this again soon?!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bye, Bye

We all got together to say farewell to Grandpa Eli and Cindy as they head to Florida for the winter.
Have a safe journey and we'll see you when we visit in February!