Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Playin' in the Shade

After lunch, Hank was ready for a change of scenery, so we found the last remaining sliver of shade on the deck.
Hank got busy playing ball and most importantly,
being flat out silly!

(This post is dedicated to Hank's daddy who is out of town, but in our hearts!)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy, Happy Hank!

No More Late Night Dream Feed

After three nights of Hank sleeping through the night without a late night dreamfeed (around 9PM), we can put Hank to bed around 6:30PM and officially say" nightie night, sleep tight and see you in the morning!"

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sitting Up with the Boppy

Okay - so it's not completely on his own, but with a little help from the Boppy, Hank can now sit up and play unassisted.
Independence, one step at a time!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The dinosaur PJ duo

The dymanic duo is back!
Hmmm - will Hank be as long as Ryder one day?
Who knows, but these kind of pics are so much fun!

Fall Colors

Hello Autumn!

While out on a drive to take in the early fall colors, we stopped for some family photos.

Hank loved the colors and textures of the leaves. The change of seasons is upon us!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Rollin' Through

Today Hank rolled from one end of the rug to the other (well, a few feet at least) . . . There's no staying put anymore!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our September Visit with Grandpa and Cindy

Yep - it's our monthly visit to Berthoud! This time, Teddy greeted Hank with his favorite toy. Ah, a new friendship is blossoming . . .
Then it was time to have fun.
When Cindy felt Hank's teeth, she was in for a sharp surprise. Oops!

Cindy, Grandpa and Ari even had a surprise for Mommy - an ice cream cake for her birthday! Mommy had two slices, but who's counting?

After the festivities, it was time for highchair play with some new wooden toys.
Hank had so much, we even delayed bedtime a couple of hours.
Now that's a special day!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hank at 7 months old

Seven months old! Here's what's going on with Hank . . .
1. Hank spends more time on his tummy than his back. He can also roll from back to belly and will occasionally roll from his belly to his back.
2. He has four teeth with a fifth tooth pushing through on the bottom.
3. He can sit up for a few seconds on his own.
4. He takes two naps each day (two hours each) and sleeps 12 hours each night (with a dreamfeed @ 9PM).
5. He loves fruit and eats 2-3 jars of baby food each day.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mommy's 35th Birthday Celebration with the Matz Family Farm

It's never too early to celebrate! The Matz Family Farm put together a birthday party for Mommy when we arrived to pick Radar up after arriving home from our trip to the East Coast.
They had Radar dressed to impress. Then it was time for our own party hats and kisses, of course.
What a great early start to another year of family and fun!

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Week with the Winakers

For the last leg of our trip, we spent a whole week with the Winakers. Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Ali and Cousins Sophie and Max live minutes from where Ari grew up. We were blessed to have so much time with them and the kids really bonded! Max liked having discussions with Hank and Uncle Ari. Nothing quite like boys hanging out together.
Sophie just loved to dote on her baby cousin Hank. She gave him lots of hugs and kisses. Hank didn't mind, whatsoever!
Each morning, Max would come to Hank's room and boogie down to the music on the radio. Here he is getting ready to dance.
And now Max is shakin' it!
Finally, as the Winakers prepared for Shabbat, we got to watch Aunt Ali, Sophie and Max make homemade challah - not just any challah, it's CHOCOLATE challah! YUM!

Thank you Winakers for your hospitality all week. There's nothing better than family. We love you!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spending the Day with Ross, Danit and Jaden

Next up on our whirlwind East Coast trip was visiting Ari's best friend, Ross and his family. Although Jaden and Hank are about a year apart, it was great to have the babies together. Hank loved watching Jaden run around.
As a finale to our visit, we dressed the boys in the same outfits and had a photo shoot.
From childhood to parenthood, Ross and Ari have come full circle. Let's not let too much time go by before we hang out together again!

Long Time Family Friends, The Vinograds

The first friends we visited when we arrived in Wilmington, DE were Cathy and Moshe.
They were absolutely thrilled to meet Hank . . .
Looks like Hank was thrilled to meet them, too!