Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Little Green Hank

Avocados this week . . .
Green beans are next!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Take Me to the River . . .

We are lucky enough to live right near Bear Creek, where Hank put his feet in the Colorado water for the very first time. It was cold, but he was so enthralled with how his feet felt in the sand that he kept cooing and playing in the water for quite some time.

Afterwards, Hank just chilled out as he listened to the water rushing by.

Ah, this is the life!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Our First Father's Day

Hank had a great time celebrating Father's Day with his daddy.

Happy First Father's Day, Ari!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father's Day Weekend Family Fun

Today, the Matz Family came over for a family gathering. It was a very busy day!
Sierra played all kinds of games.

Radar got lots of love.

Sierra struck a pose and . . . .

so did Ryder and Hank.

Here's to cousin love and more good times to come!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hank's First Bite

Look who's ready to munch on solid food for the very first time! After a couple of tries, Hank thought the highchair experience was very cool.

Then it was time to try some rice cereal made with some of Mommy's milk.

Hmmm . . . .

I think we have a winner!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hank's Four Month Checkup

The stats are in!

Hank's official rankings:

Weight 15lb 5.5 oz (50th%)

Length: 25 3/4 in (75th%)

Head circumference: 17 in (75th%)

Hank is healthy, meeting all developmental milestones, is ready to try solid food, taste water from a cup, and use a bit of sunblock during our daily hikes. Congrats Hank and enjoy your extra long nap after all your shots - you deserve it!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Morning Buddies

Hank and Radar are becoming the best of friends these days. Each morning Radar joins us on the floor for playtime.
He always smothers Hank with kisses.
Hank doesn't evevn mind tummy time so much when his buddy keeps him company. Before we know it, Hank will be chasing Radar around the house!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

To Berthoud We Go!

Today was Hank's first time ever traveling to Berthoud to see Cindy and Grandpa Eli.
He had lots of fun playing footsie with Cindy.

After a big family lunch, Hank even got to sit on the tractor with Grandpa.

What an incredible time we had. Thanks Cindy and Grandpa!

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Hail of a Day!

After a week of heat, the golf ball sized hail came down. Springtime is upon us!


Hank is now an official eyewitness to the wonders of bubbles.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Exersaucer Fun

Just another day at play . . .

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Day with Cousin Sierra

Cousin Sierra and Aunt Rachel came down to Evergreen for the day to play. First, we took a trip to Tiny Town where we rode a train, walked around a kid sized town and played on the playground. It was unbelievably cold for June, but that didn't stop Hank or Sierra from having a good time.

After Tiny Town, we came back to the house where Sierra and Hank played under the tent and hung out on the couch.

We can't wait for the next family play date!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bumbo Boy

Sitting with support, but sitting nonetheless!