Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Unleashing the Baby Bjorn

We are officially on the move and ready for hiking!

Tummy Time Fun

Hank's been enjoying his workouts!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Cuddling with Mommy

Had to throw this picture in as Hank turns 7 weeks old!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hank's First Passover Sedar

We had our annual family Passover Sedar today at our house.

Ryder and Hank got to play.

All the boys did some hanging out together, too.

Then we were all smiles for the camera.

Even silly smiles!
Happy Passover!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hanging with Neighborhood Friends

While Daddy was out of town this week, Mommy and Hank stopped by the Taylors house. Check out Seren chillin' out . . . Then, Mommy and Hank went over to the Roberts' house for dinner. Emma got to meet Hank for the first time and was very gentle - lots of kisses!
Stephanie took over feeding duties so that Mommy could enjoy her first glass of wine in over 10 months!

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Mom's Hour or So Out

When mothers get time to themselves for the first time in six weeks (thanks Ari), some go shopping, get a massage, etc. Well, this mom chose one of her favorite activities - to go for a romp with her best friend, Radar! This fun filled time just so happened to be in the middle of winter's last blizzard of the season. Oh well, not even over a foot of snow could stop this duo . . .

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hank's New Playmat

Cousins Sierra and Ryder recently passed along their playmat to Hank. Hank loved it from the start and is all smiles during playtime. Thanks Sierra and Ryder!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Chris Comes to Visit

Mommy's long time friend, Chris, came to visit for the weekend.

Hank enjoyed being in Chris' arms. He gave her his full attention.

Chris even fed Hank his very first bottle - success on the first try!
Thanks for coming out to the mountains, Chris!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hank Is One Month Old!

Hank has grown so much in just one month. At his one month doctor's visit, he weighed in at 10 lb 10oz (80th percentile), was 23 3/4 inches long (95th percentile) and had a head measurement of 39cm (75th percentile). We love our big baby boy!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spa Days

Hank loves his daily infant massages and his music . . .

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Freedom is Everything!

Hank passed his pulse oxygen check yesterday and is oxygen free. That means Hank can breathe easy on his own and Mommy and Daddy don't have to carry around cords and tanks anymore. This morning, Mommy even washed away all the sticker gunk off those rosy cheeks at bath time. Way to develop those lungs in only 2 1/2 weeks!